Make a list of P4C questions using the above image as stimulus.

Remember to think deeply and metaphorically.

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25 Responses to P4C

  1. Adam says:

    Has the phone wrapped around him because he is too addicted to it?

  2. Ewen :) says:

    Can you get too attached to something?

  3. Mr Woolton says:

    What has got a grip of what?

  4. Adi says:

    I think it means that we are using technology so much that it has gone from something we want to something we need. Most people with phones take them everywhere with them, except where they are restricted. Almost everyone able to afford one has a television or at least some sort of tablet, laptop or computer, including me. Everyone has become so dependent on technology that they are literally part of our lives. The image shows that it is as if we are not able to live without tech and it shows that, as I previously mentioned, tech has become part of us, it is part of our lives.

    • Ye͓ͮͧs̢̔͐e͂o̿͗ says:

      This has made my mind blow!
      (Mainly because I don’t get these things)
      OoOoOh I get it now.

  5. Adi says:

    Is technology taking over our lives?
    Is tech dependent on us or vice versa?
    Should we blame tech or ourselves for us being so dependent on Electronics?

  6. Catherine says:

    The phone is wrapped so hard around him that he can’t let go and can’t stop looking at it.
    Is technology taking over our lives?
    Do we really know when to stop using our phones?
    Does the phone mentally grip him harder than he physically grips the phone?
    Not entirely sure that last one makes sense.

  7. Catherine says:

    Is this where we are supposed to post our questions for the homework? I assume so but just wanted to check.

  8. Ye͓ͮͧs̢̔͐e͂o̿͗ says:

    Are medias putting a barrier for us to do other things?
    Are we letting technology do this to us?
    Why is the man in the photo gripping the phone as well?
    Which one has more power than the other?
    Are we “fighting” against electronics or “fighting” WITH them?

  9. Eleni says:

    Is this a nightmare

  10. Sule says:

    Is the phone being used with his finger or his mind? I thought this as it is connected to him.

  11. Sule says:

    Is this his choice or was he forced to by people such as the government?

  12. Sule says:

    How is this happening?
    Will this kind of thing happen in the future?

  13. Sule says:

    Is the future this unpredictable.

  14. TAHA says:

    I think that this picture shows that you should not be addicted to phones, or els they will control your life!

  15. TAHA says:

    Sorry I meant else!

  16. JOEY says:

    Is the picture showing how contagious technology can be?

    Dose this picture have a different meaning in our current time of crisis?

  17. jake says:

    I feel that this image is saying that even the technology is very helpfull and usefull it also is effecting our lives and possibly taking over our lives.

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