Pen Pals

British and French flags - British Medical Auctions

Bonjour à nos correspondants! Ecris ici si tu veux laisser un message pour ton correspondant ou ta correspondante! Comment vas-tu et qu’est-ce que tu as fait aujourd’hui?
Hello to our penpals! Write here if you want to leave a message for your penpal. How are you and what have you been doing today?

Hello again!

Hello there everyone!  Whilst I am busy thinking about more posts to put on the blog, I thought you might enjoy trying to solve these pictorial clues: each number has images that represent a street or area or place in London.  Some of them are quite tricky, so it might mean that you need to share your ideas, either with each other or people at home.  Lots of the teachers and TAs at Pelham had a go working out the answers over the weekend, sharing their ideas, which I found particularly useful for the more cryptic clues.  I look forward to seeing your suggestions.

Mrs. Watson xo

Hello everyone!

Hello there everyone.

I thought that I should start the conversation about what we are all doing to make sure that we look after our mental health and wellbeing.  I have been working from home today, but in the picture, you can see a few of the things that I have been doing to make sure that I look after myself.  First thing this morning, I went for a walk by the river.  My family and I have also: made and posted some cards to relatives and friends who we are not able to see at the moment; done some baking (I was just the taster this time, but I will probably do some baking once we have eaten them all); had a cuddle with my cat; read my book; had my first music lesson with Myleene Klass and spoken to some of my friends.  I’m about to go and do PE with Joe.

I’d love to hear what you are doing, especially if you have any links that you think we might like to share.  As ever, please leave your comments below.

Our French concertina books

In French, the children have been making concertina books for their pen pals to finish off. We are all looking forward to reading the completed books! (If you click on either of the two links below, you should be able to hear some of Owls reading their concertina books.)

IMG_0530                    IMG_0529

AE London inspired work














In our art lessons, we having been studying Anne E. London, an American artist whose work includes drawings of endangered species.  After researching an endangered animal of our choosing, we initially sketched an animal using pencil, before progressing to drawing the same animal in charcoal.  Here are some of our original pieces of work, which we hope you enjoy!  As you can see, pandas proved to be particularly popular.

Exhibition recommendations



This weekend (amongst other things) I have been to two exhibitions at my favourite museum, the V and A, and thought that one or both of them might appeal to you.

‘Kimono: Kyoto to Catwalk’ looks at the history of the kimono, including its place within Japanese society and the impact it has had on world fashion. Many of the vibrant kimonos on display are exquisitely embellished with complex design details and beautiful embroidery.  I enjoyed it so much that I am currently thinking about how it can inspire some of our artwork within school.  If you have any suggestions, please let me know in the comments box.

‘Cars: Accelerating the Modern World’ looks at how, since the car was invented 130 years ago, it has become one of the most loved and loathed inventions ever.  There are several old vehicles, as well as some conceptual futuristic cars, such as the Pop.Up Next, which can be driven like a normal car and also fly, so you need never be stuck in a traffic jam again!

Let me know if you have been to either of these exhibitions, or if you have any exhibitions you would like to recommend, by adding a comment.