**Updated** #247 Challenge


  1. Write a 24-word story on a piece of paper (or record on video) starting with ‘One day…’
  2. Take a photo of your story or take a photo of yourself with your writing
  3. Send your original pieces of writing to the Year 6 home-learning email, using the #247challenge.

Here is Marcel’s story


One day, my reflection moved by itself. I showed my friend and I was sucked in. I found the mirror king and luckily escaped.

8 thoughts on “**Updated** #247 Challenge

  1. Saif’s Story:

    One day I saw a magical door in my garden and I opened it I saw a village on the other side and walked through to the other side and everything started changing. I got so much luck and the people were nice. At the end everyone was trying to kill me. I went to the magical door but it took me different dimensions and I got lost for hours but I had one chance of luck and made it home but luckily I made it back. When I got home it felt like I was in that door for a minute but luckily I made it.

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