AE London inspired work














In our art lessons, we having been studying Anne E. London, an American artist whose work includes drawings of endangered species.  After researching an endangered animal of our choosing, we initially sketched an animal using pencil, before progressing to drawing the same animal in charcoal.  Here are some of our original pieces of work, which we hope you enjoy!  As you can see, pandas proved to be particularly popular.

14 thoughts on “AE London inspired work

  1. I loved doing this art and thought it was really fun!!!

    I also had a look at what we are supposed to be doing on Monday and I am a bit confused on what it means. I don’t understand what it means by create a front cover.

    What do we create a front cover for?

    Pls explain.

    • Hi Olive

      The link on the Year 6 website isn’t working at the moment, but we are trying to fix it as quickly as possible. In the meantime, I have copied below the instructions from the link so that you know what to do.

      Front cover activity
      Your activity is to create an interesting cover for your home learning book. You may do either of your home learning books, or both. We want you to reflect on the art skills that we have focused on so far in Year 6. Think of our Keith Haring inspired graffiti art; our Edvard Munch inspired expressionist collages; our work on fonts and typefaces; our portraiture and our animal sketches. Choose one of the aforementioned styles and let your imagination run wild. Please remember to work methodically, creating studies in advance, and to employ all the essential art skills that we have been developing this year. Please only use the resources that are available to you. Later in the week, we will evaluate our finished artworks and upload to our class blog for critique.


  2. Yes the art does look really cool,
    Mrs watson People are saying that they have work books what should I for work, I’m still finishing off one of the reading papers.Also, what link do you have to click on to find the work you have to do

    • Hello Mia, lovely to hear from you.

      Everyone who was in school has taken home a maths book and a lined book so that they can put their work in there, but if you have other books or perhaps a folder you could use instead, that would be absolutely fine. To find out the work that has been set, all you need to do is look at the home page on our school website, then click on the Learning tab, followed by the Home-Learning tab, and then select the Year 6 Home-Learning Activities tab. It’s should be quite straight forward for you to find.

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