Alma front covers























































































Inspired by the work of Edvard Munch, we have been designing front covers for our horror stories based on the short film ‘Alma’. What aspects of your front cover are you most proud of, and what could you do to improve it further?

28 thoughts on “Alma front covers

  1. These are looking really lovely Owls! I love your selection of colours and the way that you have expressed tension through the swirling lines in the sky. This gives a real clue to your reader about the genre of your stories. Great work!

  2. I tought that mine turned out ok…

    If I could do it again I would re-do the background but I’m VeRy vErY happy with the silhouettes!!


    • And I am very proud of it though, I would have liked it even better if there was NO white dots. (the little places that haven’t been coloured in.)

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