Any questions…?

In school last week, Owls B were talking about some of the problems that we have come across with our home-learning, including links not working, or just not being sure how to do something.  Some people said they didn’t know where to go to ask for help, so we decided that it would be useful to have a weekly post on the blog where you can ask everyone in Owls about things you are unsure about.  The idea is that we all – not just Mrs. Watson – look out for each other, just like we would if we were all in school together.

I hope this helps – if you have any more suggestions for the blog, please post them in the comments section.  Thanks.

42 thoughts on “Any questions…?

  1. My main problem is that when a week is finished you take it away meaning that if I haven’t finished the task I wouldn’t be able to complete it.

    P.S. an example of this is…
    Last week I missed the French so I thought I would do it on Sunday(because I was busy on Saturday) but when I went to check the whole week had gone so I missed French. 🙁

    My suggestion for this is that you could leave the previous week but take all others off so we wouldn’t miss anything from the week before.

    Thanks 🙂

  2. Another suggestion is to have our proper email (for Y6) so that we can make sure that all of our things arrive to the right teachers.

    P.S. I got this idea from my brother’s class 🙂

  3. This kind of has something to do with ‘any questions’ so some people might have a question but feel like everyone is going to judge but then again don’t judge a book by its cover or dont think about the people who judge you you do you 🙂

    • That blank bit is supposed to be the back of your “passport” so you don’t really have to do anything there, unless you want to decorate it (I’m guessing). Madame Sharkey didn’t say anything about whether or not we can decorate that bit, so I would suggest not to do anything, but again, I don’t know…

    • Bonjour Rayan

      Mina is right. You leave that bit blank as it’s the back of your passport. For the activity we set, there’s also the inside of your passport – have you done that? You can draw a fun picture of you in the box!

  4. 1 Dose that dog have a puppy?
    2 Are they talking with each other?
    3 Are they siting in a rock?
    4 Is that puppy a dragon?

      • We are differentiating between each of the different groups, which proved to be logistically challenging to say the least!

    • When I first saw that I thought it would like be on Zoom or something like that, but I’m pretty sure that it means you will be doing similar work to what the people at school are doing. Hope this helps.

  5. Mrs Watson,
    I have a question about art are we supposed to draw our self portrait and send it to the home learning email address. Please can you explain the activity in further detail. Thank you

    • Hi Mia
      You just need to draw an A4 sized self-portraits using pencil and watercolours. The examples included in the instructions will help you to visualise the end product. Make sure that you include extended arms, as we want each or your portraits to the next one.

      • I have 2 questions:

        1: Do we HAVE to use water colours? Because I do my best portraits in pencil with no colour whatsoever…

        2: When we are drawing a portrait, I thought it was from your chest and above, so how would we draw/add extended arms?

        • Also, I know you might not be able to do this but, is it possible for you to draw something simple and put it on the blog so the people working from home can see what you mean, because it is a bit difficult to understand without seeing what you are talking about.

          Once again, I understand if you are not able to do this.

          • Hello again – if you click on the instructions, you will see four examples which will help you to visual the end piece.

          • Ok.

            Ignore what I said.

            I just saw the examples.

            It’s just that I would expect the instruction button to be a different colour, so I got confused.

        • Hi Mina
          For this particular project, I would like you to use watercolours if you have them. Should you have watercolour pencils, you could use them – the best of both worlds!
          A self-portrait is a portrait that the artist produces, which can be all or part of your body.
          I like the fact that you are continuing to challenge how you approach your artwork – it’s almost like you are in school with me!

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