Art exhibition recommendation

I  visited this exhibition, ‘Olafur Eliasson: In Real Life’, at the weekend and immediately thought that it was somethIng many of you would enjoy. It’s interactive, inspiring, informative and fun!

As well as some new pieces which have been created especially for this exhibition (which is on at Tate Modern), some of the exhibits relate to the time  the artist spent as a child in Iceland. There are some serious messages about global warming, which reminded me of some of the things that we have been discussing in class, whilst some of the exhibits give you an opportunity to experience new things. One of my family’s favourites is called ‘Din blinde passager’, because it gives you the opportunity to travel through a 39-metre-long corridor full of dense fog… it was really cool!

Le me know if you have already been to this exhibition, or if you have any exhibitions you would like to recommend, by adding a comment.

23 thoughts on “Art exhibition recommendation

  1. I went there before the half term and I thought that it was great!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I’ll try to summon it up a bit, just so you know what it’s about.
    It had a wall covered in moss, lots of spheres made out of small pieces of glass that scattered the light everywhere and finally a tunnel filled with mist made out of water and sugar which only let see two metres in every direction (that one was my favourite) Those are only some of the things you can see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. wow I really love the pictures and thin that they are super cool! I’ll be sure to show, and ask my parents if they might feel like going even if I just go with my mum or dad. I can’t wait to see if I will be able to go or not. Maybe I could go with one of my friends if they are free? If any of you are free let me know and maybe we could organise something.

  3. I also visited this exhibition. I loved it! I totally agree with Mrs Watson – this is a must see if you have the time. The Tate Modern is one of my favourite places in London.

  4. I am super exited to see who else is or might go. I am just about to ask my mum if we can maybe go as a family so, hopefully I can go. I will post something if I can go!
    I am super exited and can not wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Will post if I can go.

  5. before all of this covid 19 disaster I went to a museum that had one of the original concords. We got to put on VR so we could feel what would happen if you were on a concored about to take off.

    • My absolute favourite is the Victoria & Albert, but I also love the Science Museum, the History Museum, the Tate Modern, the Fashion and Textiles museum… to be honest Sam, it’s probably quite a long list… What’s your favourite museum?

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