Art – home-learning front covers

Here is Toby’s front cover for his general home-learning journal.  I can immediately spot that he has been inspired by some of the work we have done in our art lessons.  Which artists do you think he has used?  Leave you comments below.  Also, if you would like your front cover to appear on the blog, please email a photograph of your completed artwork to, marked for the attention of Mrs. Watson (this will make it easier for Mr. Woolton to make sure that your picture goes to the right place).

4 thoughts on “Art – home-learning front covers

  1. Oh I really like this! Love the Edvard Munch inspiration as the centrepiece!
    Well done Toby (two house points!)

    Mr Burns

    • Mr. Burns – I totally love the fact that you are giving Owls house points! I look forward to returning the compliment!

  2. for our front covers do we have to do all the artists we have studied into a front cover or focus on one artist and make a front cover about that artists art.
    and did Toby draw all that or find it off the internet…
    if so then are we allowed to print it off the internet or do we have to draw it all by hand

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