NSPCC Fundraiser

This afternoon, Owls had lots of fun participating in the mini-Olympics course that they had designed for our NSPCC fundraiser.  Mrs. Watson also made the most of the opportunity to sneak a little bit of Wham into the school day! Well, there was a disco station… 😉


Image result for rising sea levels climate sign

Following on from the discussions we have been having about rising sea levels  in class, here is the stimulus for our next P4C debate which one of you will facilitate.

Remember, the objective of Philosophy for Children is deep thinking, so you will need to make sure your question is an open one.

We will have a class vote to decide which question we want to discuss.


Try your hand at solving one of our Countdown style number problems.  You can only use each number once, but can use any of the four operations.  Raffle ticket to the first 2 people to get within 1 of 453.

The lonely road

resource image

Using the image above, write a story about the old lady on the lonely road. Where has she come from? Where is she heading? What problems could she have encountered along the way? Remember, try to impress me by selecting your choice of vocabulary and literary devices with care.

And we’re off…

Hello and welcome to our blog!  We are planning to use it to share the learning we are doing in our classroom, as well as keeping you updated about what we get up to within our wider school community.  We can’t wait!