11 thoughts on “Black Lives Matter

    • To make it easier I’ll explain my reasoning with a story:

      There are 3 brothers, one tall, one small, and one in the middle.
      You have three crates to use so that you can see the baseball game. If you share the crates equally, the tall one can see the middle one can see but the small one can’t, however, if you share them fairly, the tall one gets none and he can still see, the middle one gets one so he can see and the small one gets two so he can see.

      This proves my previous statement.

  1. My reasoning is the same as Erika kind of

    At the moment black lives matter because racism is happening towards them they all lives do matter but at the moment black lives matter should get more attention.

    I will explain it with a story so it makes more Sense:

    There are 5 kids one gets stung by a bee are you going to give all the 5 kids a pain reliever and a bandage or the one who got stung. You should give to the one that gets stung because they need more attention in that moment.

  2. Hi As me being part African and being a darker skin colour its really sad that people are being murdered because of their skin Black Lives Matter started when Treyvon Martin a 17 year old boy who was shot by George Zimmerman after a physical altercation between the two which makes it even worse that George Zimmerman wast even pleaded guilty. Most of you will know this story but I will go into a bit more detail George a 46 year old black man was killed by an officer named Derek Chauvin after he held his knee on his neck on for a total of 8 minutes some officers just stood there and watched and didn’t interfere according to the policy that you are only allowed to apply pressure to the neck when the person is resting arrest which he was not he was arrested because he was accused of buying cigarettes with a counterfeit 20 dollar bill. Thanks for reading hope it was easy to understand.

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