**Updated** #247 Challenge


  1. Write a 24-word story on a piece of paper (or record on video) starting with ‘One day…’
  2. Take a photo of your story or take a photo of yourself with your writing
  3. Send your original pieces of writing to the Year 6 home-learning email, using the #247challenge.

Here is Marcel’s story


One day, my reflection moved by itself. I showed my friend and I was sucked in. I found the mirror king and luckily escaped.

**Updated** Good News reports

Aurora has sent in a copy of her Good News Project, which includes what looks like a delicious but really simple recipe for homemade tagliatelle.  If you would like to have a go making some at home, I’m sure that Aurora would love to know how you get on, so please leave a comment below.

If you would like to write your own newspaper article, the template can be found on Pelham’s Easter home-earning activities page).

Aurora, you have earned yourself two house points – well done!

Another piece of Good News reporting has landed on my desk since I posted this.  Thank you Mia, it sounds as if you marked Anzac Day in a very poignant manner.  As usual, please remember to comment and give constructive feedback on both the content and presentation of this piece of work.

**Last update** Skellig front covers

Good morning everybody! Thank you to everyone who has sent in copies/pictures of their home-learning, I’m really enjoying looking at what you have been doing.  Please continue to send your work in, to the address below, marking sure that you mark it for my  attention.


Suyeon, congratulations, you are the first person to receive house points this week.

More Skellig front covers have come in since I posted this.  As usual, please remember to comment and give constructive feedback.

Mina’s                                                Oliver’s









Aurora’s                                                Sarah’s









And here’s another one, from Olive. 

Here’s the last cover from Sofia. Please remember to comment and give constructive feedback.

The Book of Hopes

Today sees the launch of this book (completely free), which is a collection of short stories, poems, essays and pictures that has contributions from more than 110 children’s writers and illustrators, including Lauren Child, Anthony Horowitz, Greg James and Chris Smith, Michael Morpurgo, Liz Pichon, Axel Scheffler, Francesca Simon, Jacqueline Wilson – and Katherine herself.

According to the National Literacy Trust, ‘The Book of Hopes aims to comfort, inspire and encourage children during lockdown through delight, new ideas, ridiculous jokes and heroic tales. There are true accounts of cats and hares and plastic-devouring caterpillars; there are doodles and flowers; revolting poems and beautiful poems; and there are stories of space travel and new shoes and dragons’.

I have just had a quick flick through the book, and particularly like Hope-o-potamus.  Let me know which poem is your favourite.

‘Desert Island Discs’ challenge

This project comes courtesy of Sam and Ethan (who typed up these instructions) – thank you SO much boys.  It is something that you could do with people in your house, as well as family and friends who you are not able to visit at the moment.

Note – a disc a is song played on a piece of plastic 🙂


What you need:

  • An interviewer;
  • Someone who is interviewed.

Optional – you can record your interview on a smart phone and look back on it. Nice.

How it works:

It’s simple – the person being interviewed is invited to choose eight songs, a book and a luxury to take with them as they’re castaway on a mythical desert island. They’re given the complete works of Shakespeare and a religious book (Koran or bible etc.). Desert Island discs is played on BBC radio 4 most weeks and has been going for about 100 years!!

Questions the interviewer could ask, but you can ask any! This challenge tests your interview and answering skills:

  1. What are your eight favourite songs?
  2. Which one and only song’s your absolute favourite, if you had to choose one?
  3. What one and only book would you take to your desert Island?
  4. What luxury item would you take to your desert island? You can’t use it to escape or communicate with.
  5. Tell me about your family and friends?
  6. Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?
  7. What was a good time in your life and why?
  8. What was a tough time and why?
  9. What are you most proud of?
  10. If you could go back in time where would you go and why?
  11. What would you do with £1,000,000.00?
  12. Any other questions you can think of!

Some examples of previous interviews:
Daniel Radcliffe (AKA Harry Potter) https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000gc48   Jamie Oliver (famous chef) https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p009489f
Tom Hanks (famous actor) https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b079m78n

** Inspirational re-post alert **

I am re-posting this directly from Ospreys’ blog (with permission).

    Use the above image to write a beautiful setting description.

      What literary features do you think I would like to see in your piece?

I think the passage below, written by Ewen, is absolutely enchanting and I wondered how his writing might inspire you to write a beautiful setting description using this image.

The swaying willow trees cast shadows across the forest. The beautiful blooming bluebells coated the grassy fields like a intricate tapestry woven by nature. Shards of sunlight glinted off the morning dew, which had clung to the bright green grass. A calming breeze drifted peacefully through the trees, as a sparrow’s melodious voice pierced the silence of the calm summer day. Nearby, a muddy path snaked through the grass and further on, a stream meandered through the hills on the other side of the forest. The calming sounds of the water reached the ears of every creature around it. Overhead, the bright sun burnt down on the forest creatures. This was a land nobody had been able to reach before. It was paradise.

I look forward to reading your versions…




The lonely road

resource image

Using the image above, write a story about the old lady on the lonely road. Where has she come from? Where is she heading? What problems could she have encountered along the way? Remember, try to impress me by selecting your choice of vocabulary and literary devices with care.