House point winners

The rollover house point winners are Unicorns.  

There’s been more interaction across all of the houses recently – keep this up, particularly if you’re in Dragons and Griffins.

The house points chart for Owls currently looks like this:

Unicorns:           27 (total = 77)

Dragons:            23 (total = 38)

Griffins:              15 (total = 44)

Phoenixes:         22 (total = 58)

House point winners

And, this week, the Unicorns have it!  Well done Unicorns, you’re doing a great job. Come on Dragons, you need to rally the troops – you can do it!

The house points chart for Owls currently looks like this:

Unicorns:           28 (total = 50)

Dragons:            13 (total = 15)

Griffins:              11 (total = 29)

Phoenixes:          8 (total = 36)

Thank you, once again, to those of you who are engaging with the blog and sending in your home-learning, this is reflected in the house point chart. Please remember that sending in your learning is specifically required for some subjects/projects on the Year 6 home-learning page. Keep up the good work team!

House point winners

Congratulations to Phoenixes.

The house points chart for Owls currently looks like this:

Phoenixes:         13 (total = 28)

Unicorns:           11 (total = 22)

Griffins:               6 (total = 18)

Dragons:             1 (total = 2)

Remember, more home-learning and blog engagement earns more house points. Come on Griffins and Dragons, you can do it!


House point winners…

Congratulations to the Phoenixes!

The house points chart for Owls currently looks like this:

Phoenixes:         15

Unicorns:           11

Dragons:              1

Griffins:              12

Remember, more home-learning and blog engagement earns more house points!

House points

In the interests of keeping Pelham’s spirit of competition strong, I have decided that, from today, I will award house points to children who engage with their learning through the blog. I intend to publish house points at the end of every week and keep a running total.

The house with the most house points by the time we return to school will get a special prize at our end of year party!