Farewell Owls

Wow, what a year it’s been.  As we say our final goodbyes, I would like to wish you all a truly restorative summer and much happiness and success as you transition to Year 7. Your resilience and desire to succeed will stand you in good stead as you embark on the next phase in your lives.

Leavers’ Assembly PowerPoint

Owls, it’s been a blast, thank you.

Leavers’ celebrations

A message from Mrs. Moores:

Just a little note to sat good luck you lovely lot!  You were all wonderful in Robins and I’m sure you have been gorgeous throughout Pelham.  Good luck at your secondary schools.  It’s going to be such an exciting time.  Love, Mrs. Moores xx




Olive – and family – have done a brilliant job of looking after Flapjack since March – thank you to all of you.

If you would now like to have the opportunity to look after him during the summer holidays, please can you let me know.  If you have any questions about how to look after him, I’m sure that Olive will be more than happy to answer them.  Thanks everyone!


Here is your (virtual) trip to France.  Owls A, thank you so much for not spoiling the surprise for everyone else in the class – Madame Sharkey and I were impressed, and of course it meant that everyone else had the chance to be just as surprised (and confoxicated) as you were.

When it came to cheese tasting, some of you were delighted…




We had at least one newly discovered camembert devotee…

But some of you weren’t quite so convinced…






BiG thanks to all of those members of staff who collaborated on this project, and to you guys for all the work that you – unknowingly – contributed towards it.  You will be able to access the link until the end of this academic year, when it will be taken down.



Spanish extravaganza…

Yet another successful Spanish lesson today!

We recapped our colours from last week, and we all know that Saif’s favourite colour is amarillo…

Sarah, our resident mini-maestra had written an original story…

Oliver kindly dramatised it for us…

We looked at numbers…

And animals…

And watched another amusing video

Here is the link:


(And this is the link for last week’s super popular toilet song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3KbP2OEbW4)

And if that wasn’t enough, we also played bingo – congratulations to Emma and Sofia…

Can’t wait for Thursday’s lesson 🙂