




Huge levels of energy were expended this morning when everyone in Owls rose to the Rollapalluza challenge, which involved cycling as fast as possible across a 250m distance.






Most of the races were nail-bitingly tight, put none more so than the last two, in which the speediest of demons competed to see who would win the honour of using pedal-power to make a delicious fruit smoothie.






Congratulations to our overall winners, Olive and Sam, pictured above enjoying their celebratory smoothie, and well done to everyone for all your efforts. Top job!

Studying the impact of tourism

Related image

Year 6 have been learning about the impact of tourism in our Geography lessons.  We have learned that tourism can have both a positive and negative impact of a geographical environment.  These impacts can be sub-divided into economic impact, social impact and environmental impact.  We creatively demonstrated our understanding of this by linking it to our work on mountainous regions in the UK and Europe.

Our vibrant information posters can currently be seen in some of the pop-up displays in Pelham’s stairwells – click on the link below to view Owls’ posters.  We hope you enjoy!


Well hello there ‘Herb’

We have a new hamster, who has temporarily been named ‘Herb’ (short for Herbert) and is named after a character in one of Lauren Child’s books. Having agreed this week that you all want to exercise your pupil voice and be directly involved in choosing Herb’s permanent name, I would like you to suggest names in the comments below. Everyone in my class (sorry Ospreys) can choose one name to put forward, so make sure that you are certain about your choice before you post a comment. We will vote to choose Herb’s name next week – all suggestions must therefore be posted in the comments by 5pm this coming Sunday. I look forward to seeing your suggestions

Christmas fun

     After a full term of working really hard, yesterday it began to feel as if Christmas really is just around the corner.  After watching the Year 5 Carol Concert dress rehearsal, we made Pelham smell deliciously seasonal as we had lots of sticky fun making some Excitable Edgar biscuits. Even us adults enjoyed ourselves!

















Here are just a few images from this term’s concert by some of our Y6 Rocksteady crew.  What a fabulous concert – such a lovely way to showcase all your hardwork.  Well done!

Alma front covers























































































Inspired by the work of Edvard Munch, we have been designing front covers for our horror stories based on the short film ‘Alma’. What aspects of your front cover are you most proud of, and what could you do to improve it further?

NSPCC Fundraiser

This afternoon, Owls had lots of fun participating in the mini-Olympics course that they had designed for our NSPCC fundraiser.  Mrs. Watson also made the most of the opportunity to sneak a little bit of Wham into the school day! Well, there was a disco station… 😉