Christmas fun

     After a full term of working really hard, yesterday it began to feel as if Christmas really is just around the corner.  After watching the Year 5 Carol Concert dress rehearsal, we made Pelham smell deliciously seasonal as we had lots of sticky fun making some Excitable Edgar biscuits. Even us adults enjoyed ourselves!

16 thoughts on “Christmas fun

  1. I really enjoyed baking and designing these biscuits! 🙂
    The bottom right picture is my cookie by the way!!!
    Thank you Mrs Watson for organising this fun activity!

  2. Thank you Mrs Watson and Mr Burns for organising this fun activity!!!
    The Edgar biscuits were amazing and I look forward to giving the Christmas card to my grandma
    Thanh you:)

  3. I love the details on the Edgar in the picture, he looks really funny!
    We do quite a bit of baking and cooking with younger children at Pelham so it was great seeing Year 6 making good use of extended services and baking some fantastic biscuits, well done!

    Ms. Ruthven

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