
Try your hand at solving one of our Countdown style number problems.  You can only use each number once, but can use any of the four operations.  Raffle ticket to the first 2 people to get within 1 of 453.

47 thoughts on “Countdown

  1. I am back! ;w;
    I tried doing it in a very different way and this is what I did

    10 x 50 = 500
    500 / 5 = 100

    75 / 4 = 18.75

    100 + 18.75 = 118.75
    118.75 x 4 = 475

  2. Hello,
    I have a very good answer, though I guess I did repeat some numbers. I WANT THAT RAFFLE TICKET THOUGH!!! ;w;
    This is what I did:

    50 – 5 = 45
    45 x 10 = 450

    [5] + 4 = 9
    9 + 4 = 13
    13 – [10] = 3

    450 + 3 =453

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