‘Desert Island Discs’ challenge

This project comes courtesy of Sam and Ethan (who typed up these instructions) – thank you SO much boys.  It is something that you could do with people in your house, as well as family and friends who you are not able to visit at the moment.

Note – a disc a is song played on a piece of plastic 🙂


What you need:

  • An interviewer;
  • Someone who is interviewed.

Optional – you can record your interview on a smart phone and look back on it. Nice.

How it works:

It’s simple – the person being interviewed is invited to choose eight songs, a book and a luxury to take with them as they’re castaway on a mythical desert island. They’re given the complete works of Shakespeare and a religious book (Koran or bible etc.). Desert Island discs is played on BBC radio 4 most weeks and has been going for about 100 years!!

Questions the interviewer could ask, but you can ask any! This challenge tests your interview and answering skills:

  1. What are your eight favourite songs?
  2. Which one and only song’s your absolute favourite, if you had to choose one?
  3. What one and only book would you take to your desert Island?
  4. What luxury item would you take to your desert island? You can’t use it to escape or communicate with.
  5. Tell me about your family and friends?
  6. Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?
  7. What was a good time in your life and why?
  8. What was a tough time and why?
  9. What are you most proud of?
  10. If you could go back in time where would you go and why?
  11. What would you do with £1,000,000.00?
  12. Any other questions you can think of!

Some examples of previous interviews:
Daniel Radcliffe (AKA Harry Potter) https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000gc48   Jamie Oliver (famous chef) https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p009489f
Tom Hanks (famous actor) https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b079m78n

7 thoughts on “‘Desert Island Discs’ challenge

  1. Sounds good!

    Also, for the maths on Friday, there’s no answer for Fluency 2, Question B. If you wouldn’t mind, could you please update it to have the answer, Mrs Watson?

    • Hi Sarah. I’m not quite sure which question you are talking about, as Mr. Burns has prepared this week’s maths. I suggest that you post your answer here, and then rely on other Owls to post their answer so that you can all check with each other, a bit like we do in the classroom.

  2. oh wow! well done Sam and Ethan this looks like something to really amuse us in lock down.
    P.S for Q.11. If i had that much money i would buy 1000000000000000 PUGS!

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