Did you know…?

In Switzerland, it is illegal to own a single guinea pig.

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is one of the longest words in the dictionary – it is the fear of long words!

A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.

One of the ingredients needed to make dynamite is peanuts.

Glass balls can bounce higher than rubber ones (apparently).

I’d love to know what interesting facts you know – Ospreys have posted some sneeze facts over on their blog, some of which are toe-curlingly revolting!  Why don’t you swing by and take a look…?

53 thoughts on “Did you know…?

  1. Did you know that a jellyfish has got no brain

    Did you know August has the highest percentage of births

    Did you know unless food is mixed with saliva you can’t taste it

    Did you know an ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain

    Did you know reindeer like bananas

    • Did you know Coca-Cola originally contained cocaine

      Did you know M&M’s chocolate stands for the initials for its inventors Mars and Murrie (I would’ve preferred Marcos & Marcel, but that’s just me)

      Did you know french fries are originally from Belgium

      Did you know more people die from falling coconuts then from shark attacks

      Did you know Brazil got its name from the Brazilian nut (not the other way around)

      Did you know arachibutyrophobia is fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth

  2. Did you know a cat has 32 muscles in each ear
    Did you know rubber bands last longer when kept refrigerated
    Did you know a honeybee’s top speed is 24kph (15mph)
    Did you know Americans eat 35,000 tons of pasta a year

  3. Did you know the longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, a word that refers to a lung disease?

  4. Did you know the Longest Most Meaningless Movie in the World is an underground movie made in the UK that runs to 48 hours long?

  5. Did you know people can suffer from a psychological disorder called Boanthropy that makes them believe that they are a cow. Which means they try to live there life like a cow.

  6. Did you know McDonald’s once created bubblegum-flavoured broccoli!

    Did you know platypuses swim with their eyes closed!

    Did you know chewing gum is banned in Singapore unless it is a gum to help you with your teeth or given to you for special reasons by a doctor!

    Did you know the heart of a shrimp is located in it’s head!

    Did you know a slug has four noses!

    Did you know that elephants are the only land animals that can’t jump!

    Did you know kangaroos can’t fart!

    I hope you enjoyed the facts!

    • The first one sounds revolting, the fourth one made us giggle, Sam and Tom claim they knew the slug fact, and we love the kangaroo fact! From Mrs. Watson and the rest of this week’s Pelham Explorers

        • Also Mrs Watson, am I allowed to put my Skellig story forward for the young writers competition?
          Also, how can I put it forward?

          • Hi Sofia

            Unfortunately, entries to the Young Writers’ Competition 2020 need to be written independently, so your version of Skellig can’t be submitted. However, there is some good news. Ms. Ruthven has said that she would love to read it, so if you would like to ask an adult to email it to Mrs. Hammond in the office, she can forward it to her. Keep up the enthusiasm!

  7. Whales and Dolphins used to have legs.
    Cheetahs aren’t the fastest land animal.
    A female lion and a cow calf have made friends even though a lion would eat it.
    Part of jaguars’ diet is a black caiman.
    Queen Elizabeth I only bathed 4 times a year.

  8. A chameleon’s eyeballs move independently. When spotted prey, its eyeballs have to lock on its target before firing its tongue out.

  9. In Switzerland it is illegal to own just one guinea pig.
    A flock of crows is known as a murder.
    29th May is officially “Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day”.
    Cherophobia is an irrational fear of fun or happiness.
    If you lift a kangaroo’s tail off the ground it can’t hop.

    About the ‘History – Vikings. LO: To research and investigate the Viking Social Structure. Two-week project ‘
    I thought that it was a project that we needed to hand in two weeks after the first ‘lesson’ on it. So because I finished it, I handed it in in the middle of the half term.
    What should I do instead of the 2nd lesson of Tuesday 21.04.20. Or should I do more research on the Vikings and build up my knowlege?

    • Sarah, I deleted your first silly fact because I didn’t want anyone to do it!
      As far as your History is concerned, your suggestion that you build up your knowledge with more research is exactly what I would have recommended.

  10. During your lifetime, you will produce enough saliva to fill two swimming pools. Recycling one glass jar saves enough energy to watch television for 3 hours.
    Nearly 3% of the ice in Antarctic glaciers is penguin urine.
    An apple, potato, and onion all taste the same if you eat them with your nose plugged. A writer predicted how the Titanic would sink in 1898, 13 years before it was even built.

  11. Did you know rabbits like liquorice.
    Did you know eels are sexless.
    Did you know birds need gravity to swallow.
    Did you know dreamt is the only word that end in ‘mt’.
    Did you know Switzerland eats the most chocolate, around 10kg per person.
    Did you know every time you see a full moon it is the same side facing you.
    Did you know in East Africa you can get beer brewed from bananas.
    Did you know a Giraffe clean its ears with its tongue.
    Did you know lightning strikes the Earth 6000 times every minute.
    Did you know frogs cant swallow with their eyes open
    Did you know a 1 minute kiss burns 26 calories.
    Did you know cows don’t have upper front teeth.

    Hoped you liked the facts

  12. Dd you know there is a fear of, cheese, falling asleep, flowers, men, and OTTERS which is insane and stupid. I’ve got the opposite of that, I just found that one out

    • Ooh, what are the names of them? I can definitely think of one person in our class who doesn’t have a fear of cheese! Oliver…

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