
Thanks, Olive, for sending in a picture of Flapjack.  I’m sure we’re all delighted that he’s looking quite perky and is enjoying himself with your family.

9 thoughts on “Flapjack

  1. Flapjack is very happy and I’m are taking good care of him. He is being very playful and we are having a great time.

  2. This new quarantine thing shouldn’t be a new thing for Flapjack, as he isn’t really the outdoor type anyway :b

  3. Oh yippe!! :):)
    Flapjack looks very well and looks like he has got a little bit of quietness (i think that is how you spell it but oh well) now 😉

    • I’m happy for him if he has had some quietness because our house can get very noisy.
      He is healthy and I hope he is having lots of fun:
      at night when he comes out and we are all relaxing Freddie and Ivy love feeding him through the bars.
      Ivy also loves helping my clean out his cage.

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