**Updated** Good News reports

Aurora has sent in a copy of her Good News Project, which includes what looks like a delicious but really simple recipe for homemade tagliatelle.  If you would like to have a go making some at home, I’m sure that Aurora would love to know how you get on, so please leave a comment below.

If you would like to write your own newspaper article, the template can be found on Pelham’s Easter home-earning activities page).

Aurora, you have earned yourself two house points – well done!

Another piece of Good News reporting has landed on my desk since I posted this.  Thank you Mia, it sounds as if you marked Anzac Day in a very poignant manner.  As usual, please remember to comment and give constructive feedback on both the content and presentation of this piece of work.

14 thoughts on “**Updated** Good News reports

  1. Hi it’s me, I made the tagliatelle because I want to share an activity for everyone to do at home learning.
    I hope you like making them and they really do taste good with the cream, salmon and parsley.
    I interviewed my mother because she and I are the chefs in the house.
    Bey everyone.

  2. Before lockdown my family bought some pasta flour so I think I’m going to have to have a go at making the tagliatelle. It sounds really yummy.

    I have also been doing a lot of baking and cooking. I’ve made some cookies and raspberry lemonade, some yummy stew and my fav. some delicious chicken skewers.
    And a lot more…

    • Sounds delicious Olive. We are also busy doing lots of cooking in the Watson household. Yesterday, we made some fairy cakes for a friend’s 16th in Singapore – we helped her blow out the candles over our video call!

    • Thanks, my grandma used to make them when I was a little girl and now she passed me her and my mother’s recipe book.


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