Hello everyone!

Hello there everyone.

I thought that I should start the conversation about what we are all doing to make sure that we look after our mental health and wellbeing.  I have been working from home today, but in the picture, you can see a few of the things that I have been doing to make sure that I look after myself.  First thing this morning, I went for a walk by the river.  My family and I have also: made and posted some cards to relatives and friends who we are not able to see at the moment; done some baking (I was just the taster this time, but I will probably do some baking once we have eaten them all); had a cuddle with my cat; read my book; had my first music lesson with Myleene Klass and spoken to some of my friends.  I’m about to go and do PE with Joe.

I’d love to hear what you are doing, especially if you have any links that you think we might like to share.  As ever, please leave your comments below.

70 thoughts on “Hello everyone!

    • Why thank you Mr. Woolton – I know that we are all working hard to make sure that we stay connected. I’ve found myself in the pit of confusion on occasion, but I’m enjoying the challenge.

  1. i haven done anything really interesting but my dad baked bread(i was also the taster this time Mrs Watson and might i saw those treats look delish 😉

    • Hi Erika

      We are thinking about baking bread, but haven’t made any yet. There is a brilliantly easy Jamie Oliver flatbread recipe that I have made before with some of the Pelham children (I don’t think you have made it with me, but I can’t remember). We are planning on making that in the next few days, so once we have, I will pop a picture on the blog together with the link so that you can have a go if you want to – it’s really delicious. I also know that it is one of Mrs. Miller’s favourites! Have a go doing PE with Joe and let me know how you fare!

  2. That’s great! Me and my Dad have been doing P.E with Joe everyday and today we even got my Mum to join in! (My brother is still not doing it but I’m sure I can get him on his feet soon)! I’ve also heard about a dance class with Oti Mabuse at 11:30 and a science class with Maddie Moate at 11:00 if anyone is interested.

    P.S Sorry if I spelt anything wrong.

    • Well done on the PE front. If you could send me the links for the activities you have found, that would be great. I have already found some new ones which I intend to add to our home-learning page, but haven’t come across those yet. Thanks, Emma.

      • The dancing class with Oti Mabuse is at 11:30 every day until at least the 30th of March. You should be able to find it on YouTube, Instagram or Facebook.

        The Science class with Maddie Moate is on at 11:00 every day on her YouTube channel.

        Also every day David Walliams is releasing an audio story at 11:00.
        If you copy and paste that link into a search bar you can find out more. Hope this helps anyone who is bored!

  3. Hi, will try and find those links for you swatson

    For the English for today (Wednesday) the last 2 links do not work for me (not sure about everyone else) I was just wandering what was on them just to make sure I’m not missing out on anything major

  4. It was very strange at school on monday with 14 people, 4 in KS2 me inclusive. now we are in isolating because my dad has a cough. Awaiting his results!

  5. Hello, I have been doing P.E with Joe Wicks too. I have also baked a few cakes and I am going on daily walks with my family, and playing with some of my pets. For school work I have been doing tt rock stars and mathletics. For English I did some descripte writing and some of the reading papers I have also read for about 15 minutes a day and have been practising my spellings. I have now found the home learning page and will now be doing that too. Ps: sorry if I’m writing a bit early it’s just the time zones are a bit different.

  6. Dear Mrs. Watson,
    Hello, Mrs. Watson. I am doing French homework, so I must use a Linguascope and type pass word what Madam Surkey said. But it said the pass word is wrong. How can I log in it? Would you please check the ID and pass words is right?

  7. Hello Owls,
    Well we would have been together today, under normal circumstances. I hope you have managed to have a go at drafting the first two sections of your Viking report? I shall miss teaching you face to face for a while. Mrs. Watson will have to read the rest of The Pants Project to you now – no point us hiding the book from one another!
    I am currently sat in the Office at school today but have carried our many different tasks – which is keeping me busy.
    Thinking about you lots. Take care and keep ‘talking’ as it is good to hear what you are up to.

      • Ah thank you, Shaeylah. I miss you too and all the other children. School has been so quiet. It is a beautiful day outside so I hope you are getting some fresh air and enjoying the sunshine.
        Take care.

  8. Hi Owls! Just want to drop by and say that I miss you guys.
    It’s great to see so many of you are keeping active at home and embracing your home learning activities. Keep up the fantastic positive attitude!

    Mr Burns 🙂

  9. Mrs Watson, on the maths marking homework, the first: what is the number, you put 8.02 but one of the clues are that all the digits add up to 9. 8+2=10 not nine. On the maths homework sheet I put 7.02.

    • Hi Sam, I’m not quite sure which question you are talking about, so am going to suggest that you ask you parents to clarify.

  10. Dear Mrs. Watson,
    Hello, Mrs. Watson. I’m doing publish the Skellig things. And I have one question.
    1. Should I publish on a paper or a laptop?

  11. Hello my mum told me that there is a website for science something like Glasgow university and they have things you can do I will have to ask my mum and I will link a website.

  12. Hello, Mrs. Watson. I’m doing Guided reading and ‘bookscool’ app is not working. So I can’t answer the question. How can I go to the web site?

  13. Hi, on the 25 of April it was ANZAC day for New Zealander’s and Australians its a day to remember New Zealander’s and Australians who fought in Gallipoli in the war, you can make Anzac biscuits. If you copy this into your search bar it’s a recipe on how to make them.https://www.bestrecipes.com.au/recipes/quick-easy-anzac-biscuits-recipe/jloz2cs4?nk=435085373353006971b799443f2901e3-1587944850. We also put a flag up and I read a Māori poem.

  14. Bonjour Owls!
    Thinking of you! Hope you are all well.
    For French this week, I’ve put up the pizza recipe from Little Red House. I can really recommend it – it was yummy! One to repeat, perhaps with different toppings, though I’d always have du fromage et des olives!
    Love to know what you put in yours!
    Mme Sharkey

    • Ooh, what a lovely idea Madame Sharkey. I will go and have a look at the recipe myself, because we haven’t had pizza in my household for a while. Thanks 😉

    • Hello Mme Sharkey, I have just made a yummy pizza I have put on my pizza du fromage et des olives et de la sauce tomate et du jambon I haven’t tasted yet but I’m sure it’ll be delicious how do I send a photo of it. I am also going to do the fun games on various topics and the mindfulness in French.

      • Bonjour Mia! Great to hear from you! So pleased you’ve been keeping your French going, and I hope you enjoyed the pizza you made. Next time you could just send a photo to home learning. I’ll give you another yummy recipe to try!
        Mme Sharkey

  15. Hello, Mrs. Watson.
    I’m doing music homework and I can’t log on ‘Collins’ web site.
    When I enter into student log in, the Pelham primary school is not matched.
    How can I log on it?

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