Home-learning – P4C

Make a list of 5 philosophical questions using this image as stimulus.  A winning question will be chosen later in the week.

15 thoughts on “Home-learning – P4C

  1. This is my five question:
    1. Why does she standing in a creepy town?
    2. Is she holding a smoke?
    3. What is in her pocket?
    4. What does she looking at?
    5. Will she do nice things or bad things?

  2. Hello!
    How is everyone?

    These are the questions I could come up with:

    1. Why is the person wearing something fancy/expensive-looking/new but is standing in a worn out/run down street?
    2. Would a different setting make it look less like the person was photoshopped into the picture?
    3. Why is the picture black and white but sort of HD (By sort of I mean the person looks HD)?
    4. Why is the person alone in the picture? Apart from the person who took the picture.
    5. What time do you think the picture was took?

  3. Hello! I hope everyone is alright 🙂

    My questions:
    1. How does this picture make you feel?
    2. What do you think would happen if this picture was a video?
    3. What does the things the person is wearing suggest about them?
    4. What do you think the person might be doing in such a mysterious street?
    5. If you were to write a story about this picture, what would your plot be? Why?

      • Mrs Watson,
        I am having a little bit of trouble with the Oak National Academy link. I have clicked it and copied and pasted it but both ways, it comes up with 404 – page not found.

        What should I do?


        • How strange – I am having intermittent problems with it as well.

          Try this, starting from the (dreaded) 404 message that you receive, clicking on:

          Then Subjects
          Then Year 6
          Then English
          You should now be able to see the different lessons in this unit – click on the second one.

  4. Hello hope everyone is doing well! 🙂
    Here are my questions:
    1. Why is she smoking?
    2. Why is the town empty?
    3. Why is she dressed up all fancy?
    4. Is she going/travelling somewhere?
    5. Is she smoking if not what is in her hand?
    6. The weather looks like it is dark so why is she outside at a time like this (if it was like 10:00 then there would be more people out)? (my thoughts)
    7. Is it a girl or a boy (because if you look closely it looks like a boy or girl)?
    8. What mood does the weather present?

  5. hi everyone!
    These are my five questions:
    1. How is she feeling?
    2. Why is she alone?
    3. In what period of time was this picture taken?
    4. Does she feel trapped?
    5. Is she wondering?


  6. hi peeps,
    These are my five questions:
    1. What is the girl doing?
    2. Why is she wearing black and white?
    3. Was this photo taken at night?
    4. What is she holding in her hand?
    5. was this photo taken in the olden days because its black and white?

    PS: I thought it was a bit hard to come up with questions for this image.Also, i’m sorry if this is a bit late its just i did this this yesterday but this wasn’t on the class blog yet, so i posted it today

  7. Hi everyone
    This is my five questions:
    1 Is this a old picture?
    2 Is she a girl or boy?
    3 Dose she like to were black and white clothes
    4 Why is she smoking?
    5 Dose she have a family?

  8. My questions are…
    1. If this image had some colour would it change the way you feel about it?
    2. Is it taken in the night or is it taken in the olden times when colour was not available?
    3. Does she want to be seen or does she want to stay hidden and if so does the black help her not to attract attention?
    4. What is she feeling and why?
    5. Did someone take that picture without asking or did she want that picture to be taken?

  9. Hi everybody, I hope you are all alright.
    These are my 5 questions for this week P4C.
    1. Where is the lady going to go?
    2. Is she famous?
    3.How old is the picture?
    4. If you were in the picture, how would you express yourself?
    5. Is she a thief in disguise?

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