Home-learning P4C

Using this image as a stimulus, make a list of philosophical questions that could be used to stimulate an interesting discussion.  Post your suggestions in the comment box.

8 thoughts on “Home-learning P4C

  1. 1 Where is his full hand?
    2 Is there coming a light from that thing?
    3 Why is the back ground red?
    4 Has he killed someone?

  2. Why is the man coming out of the computer?
    Is he in a game?
    What made him get through to another dimension?
    Why is his hand bleeding?
    Did he punch someone?
    Is he cut?
    Where is he?
    Who is he?
    How does he feel?
    If he gets through the computer is he going to die?
    Was there another person going through the computer?
    Is the person a she or he? I think he!
    Is his skin black? Black lives matter!
    How did he get out of the computer?
    Where is he from?
    What dimension is he also from?
    What is he going to do in the human dimension?
    Is he a thief?
    Does he have a family?
    How old is this person?
    What is the person’s name?
    Is he single?
    Is that real bold on his hand?
    How did he get through the computer?
    Can he speak?
    How does it feel to be in a computer?
    Does he know how to write?
    How would you feel if you were in a computer?

  3. 1. Is watching a horror movie bad for you?
    2. Is it easy overcoming your fears?
    3. Can horror movies give you a bad influence?
    4. Would people do ANYTHING just to get their taste of revenge?
    5. Can cyber bullying attack you?

  4. These are my questions:
    1. Is it proving that the ‘black lives matter movement’ is all over social media?
    2. Does the image represent that if you are bulling someone online, it can hurt just as much as if you did it in person?
    3. Does the image represent that people protesting for the ‘black lives matter’ want to break some bad habits of racism?

  5. Here are my questions:) :
    1. Why is there a hand coming out of the computer?
    2. Why are there broken glasses on the edge of the table?
    3. What is the red liquid (maybe) on their hand – could it be blood ?
    4. Why is there a bright light coming out of the computer with the hand?

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