House points

WORK HARD AND EARN HOUSE POINTS - Keep Calm and Posters Generator ...

So, first of all, I have a confession to make… I have totally appropriated this idea from Mr. Burns…

To reward you guys for both your great effort in home-learning and your engagement with this blog, I am thinking of creating a virtual house points chart that I will share with you on a weekly basis. Perhaps the winner can have a special treat at our end of Year 6 party, whenever that may be…

What do you think?

7 thoughts on “House points

    • Good question. I can obviously tell how much you are engaging with our blog. If you want to show me some of your home-learning (have a look at the latest art and maths posts which show Toby and Sam’s work), then you will need to email, marked for the attention of Mrs. Watson (this will make it easier for Mr. Woolton to make sure that your picture goes to the right place).

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