Important notice about online behaviour

Dear children, 

As you can all recall, we have done extensive in-class work on cyberbullying and appropriate online behaviour in Year 6. We all know the correct way to conduct ourselves online and the appropriate way to communicate when using online gaming and social media. I would like you all to reflect on this and to modify your behaviour if you feel that you may not be displaying the behaviours that are expected of you in Year 6. 

If not, myself and the team at Pelham may have to intervene and manage this further. 

Please stay safe online, remember our fundamental philosophy of kindness at Pelham and continue to use technology in a fun, educational and inspiring way. 

Thank you, 

Mrs. Watson

9 thoughts on “Important notice about online behaviour

  1. My mum only lets me see the blog and let me play or call after all the work. I am also keeping safe on it too. 🙂

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