34 thoughts on “Irrelevant information #6

  1. Lazarbeam says ‘YEET’
    Fresh says ‘epic’
    A lot of people in our class don’t know who those people are.
    They are Australian youtubers who know each other.

  2. On irrelevant information the information isn’t really irrelevant because what we say is related to ‘Irrelevant information’ (irrelevant to other things but not to irrelevant information) so it’s not irrelevant anymore.

  3. A cake me and my dad made once went on an auction and the highest bid was Β£60 Emma’s dad brought it and said it was the best cake he had ever tasted.

  4. Yesterday at lunch we were talking about how colours have tastes. In my opinion they do, but Mrs Watson thinks I’m a bit bonkers.

    Colours and their tastes (according to me):

    Green: Green peppers and broccoli put together
    Red: Hot strawberries with a bit of tomatoes and roses
    Pink: Roses
    Yellow: ?
    Purple: Cold and minty with a bit of the colour pink
    Blue: ?
    Orange: Warm oranges

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