29 thoughts on “Irrelevant stories…

  1. Some of my friends already know this but, (you can laugh if you want to) I used to be scared of the Pixar lantern when I was little. You know, the bit where it slowly turns towards you after killing the I. Poor I. Gets squashed every time you watch a Pixar movie… ๐Ÿ™

    Oh come on! I know I wasnโ€™t the only one! Was I?…

  2. Please read this all very quickly ๐Ÿ™‚
    During lock-down someone downloaded tik tok on my phone sooo i asked my whole family who did it but they all said they didn’t do it so i rushed up to my room and I tripped on the stairs on the way up but i was fine anyway, so when i was in my room i deleted tik tok and then i went to sleep that night the next morning i woke up and there was still no tik tok on my phone because i deleted it yesterday, that afternoon i went on a social distancing walk with my neighbour. When i got home i downloaded it again because i was bored then i deleted it again because I was still bored still so the next day I my neighbour told me to download tik tok again so i did, but i didn’t want it on my phone so i deleted it once again. the next day i had nothing to do so I downloaded it again because I was bored but, once again i didn’t want it on my phone so i deleted it again .

    I hope you all enjoyed this long story:

    P.S. You have to read this all really quickly!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Hey!
    Itโ€™s me again with another – this time way longer – story! ๐Ÿ˜€ (Donโ€™t worry, this one is not as stupid as the other one.)

    When I was little – about 6 years ago – when I was coming out of a bus, the doors suddenly closed on my backpack and I was dangling there, crying because my mum and my sister had already gotten out and I was scared the bus would go and I would never see them again. Iโ€™m actually REALLY lucky that the doors didnโ€™t close on me so I guess my Strawberry Shortcake bag sacrificed itself for me. Not all bags love their owners that much! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Even the memory of it has my heart pounding in my chest so hard!

    If that wasnโ€™t bad enough, earlier on that day, I forgot the same Strawberry Shortcake bag in a bus and we had to run after it to get it. Poor bag. First gets forgotten, then gets squashed. That was the worst day of my life, and I donโ€™t think I had one worse than that. ๐Ÿ™

  4. well i have literally and i mean literally read every comment and each one made me giggle ๐Ÿ™‚ but other than that i would like to thank Mrs Watson for her amazing/astounding idea to put this on our blog page i absolutely love it reading everyone’s funny stories ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Thank you Rayan – which my computer has again autocorrected to ‘Rain’ – I’m delighted to hear that you have been giggling away.
      Just one thing – remember to proof read your comments…

  5. There are some proper Crazies in this class. Congratulations. Is it isolating during lock-down that has done this, or has it always been like this?

  6. Dear Mr. Woolton
    I would like to confirm your suspicion of this class being made of lots of crazies.
    Thank you that’s all.


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