Maths investigation

So, this photograph shows an investigative maths project that Sam (and I think Ethan) has/have done at home, in which he/they worked out the relationship between the circumference and diameter of a circle.  If you would like to have a go doing this, follow the instructions below.

  1. Draw around at least 3 objects of varying sizes and then measure both the circumference and diameter of each one.  Top tips: using a piece of string will offer you flexibility when measuring the circumference. You will also notice from the photograph that Sam used blu tack to prevent the string wobbling around.
  2. Now, divide the circumference of each object by the diameter of that same object.  You can use a calculator for this bit if you want.
  3. Record your measurements and calculations in a table (look at the one below for ideas).
    Object Circumference Diameter Circumference divided by diameter
  4. What do you notice about the numbers in the last column, where you have divided the circumference of each circle by its diameter?
  5. What is the average of all values in the last column?

I look forward to finding out how your investigations are going. Thanks for the idea Sam! 😉


9 thoughts on “Maths investigation

  1. Mrs Watson, this does have nothing to do with this picture but for fridays test how long should we go on for is it like 45 minutes please answer.

    p.s. well done sam (and maybe ethan) for putting a lot of effort into making this and trying to help us be busy during lock down and not bored.

    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

    • Rayan, it depends on how you are finding the test. If you are feeling confident and haven’t quite finished, then I would keep going. I would definitely recommend checking your answers before you stop.
      PS Did you know that Rayan autocorrects to Rain on my computer???

  2. This isn’t about the investigation but for our maths assessment, question 11 says that she shares it between three friends but she shares it between four.

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