4 thoughts on “Maths problem of the day from White Rose

  1. Hello everybody!

    1. 4951

    2. 65 + (14) = 79
    83 + 28 = 82 + (29)
    (I’m not too sure whether the = sign is meant to be a – sign instead)

    3. 7 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 4.5 + 3 + 7 + 3 + 4.5 + 3 + 2 = 39
    The perimeter is 39cm

  2. 1. 4951. 4000 is nearest thousands digit, 900 is nearest hundreds digit, 50 is nearest tens digit and 1 is rest of the number – it should be one digit.
    2. (a) 14, (b) 29. (a) 79-65=14, (b) 83+28=111, 111-82=29
    3. 45cm. 7+3+3+2+2+3+3+4.5+4.5+3+3+7=45

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