6 thoughts on “Maths problem of the day from White Rose

  1. Hello!
    I was wondering if something had happened yesterday because you didn’t post the maths problem of the day. I’m glad it’s just that you forgot!

    Day 11:

    1. 9 x 7 > 8 x 7
    48 / 2 > 48 / 4
    300 x 2 = 20 x 30

    2. 1500 – 565 = 935
    There are 935 boys

    3. 1/2 = 3/6
    1/3 = 2/6

    1/6 = 7

    7 x 6 = 42

    Mr Patel’s number is 42

    Day 12:

    1. A = 2.25
    B = 22
    B + A = 24.25 aka C

    The arrow would go on the 2nd line after the 24

    2. 2 : 5 = 24 : 60

    60 – 36 = 24
    60 / 5 = 12, 12 x 2 = 24

    3. It isn’t possible getting 64 as a number but he could’ve had 64 parts by dividing 32 by 2 instead of how you would normally find a half of the number when dividing by 2.

    • Hi Sarah – I like to thing that I was busy at school readying everything for when you come back, rather than that I forgot, but I suspect it might have been a bit of both…

      Day 11 – Q1 & Q3 are right – check Q2, applying RUCSAC

      Day 12 – Q1 – you have carried through a mistake from A into C – have another look
      Q2 – right
      Q3 – read what you have written and have a think – is there another way you could write your thoughts using a different number sentence?
      You are very close… perhaps another Owl can help you…

      • I think I’ve found my mistakes!

        Day 11:

        Q2 = There are 370 more boys than girls.

        Day 12:

        Q1 = 24.5
        Q3 = I’m not too sure, I’ll try to do it later since I still have other things to do

  2. Top one:

    1. 9 x 7>8 x 7
    48/2> 48/4
    300 x 2 = 20 x 30

    2. 370

    3. I didn’t quite understand 🙂

    P.S. The slash on the first one is the same as the division sign.

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