Maths problem of the day from White Rose

Owing to technical issues last Friday, today’s maths offering is a BOGOFF – you’re very welcome! ๐Ÿ˜‰

14 thoughts on “Maths problem of the day from White Rose

  1. Day 15 Answers

    1. 3/8 are non fiction. 72 divided by 3 = 24
    24 x 5 = 120 fiction books.

    2. 1000 ml+750 ml=1750ml divided by 5 = 350ml in each glass

  2. Day 15:
    1.72 divided by 3 = 24. 24 x 5 = 120. ๐Ÿ™‚
    2. 1 litre x 1000= 1000ml. 1000+750= 1750ml. 1750 divided by 5= 350ml for each glass.
    Day 16:
    1. If the measurement is l x l = area of the whole square. How much is l? The blue square area is 65cm squared I need to find out how much is worth the middle. 4 x 4= 16cm squared. 65cm squared + 16cm squared = 81cm squared which is the whole amount. 81 divided by 2 = 9cm. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I am thinking for the last one. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Day16: A=52. ๐Ÿ™‚ B=33. ๐Ÿ™‚ C=15. ๐Ÿ™‚
    2. A+b+c= 100
    If you had a number line from 0 to 100, we know that a+c is 67 so, we do 100-67=33. 33=b. Now we look at the third question that is b-c=18. We know b=33, so we do 33-18=15. C=15. To find the last one we do 33+15=48. Then, 100-48=52. A=52. DONE. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. 1. 72 รท 3 x 5 = 24 books
    2. (1000 + 750) รท 5 = 350 ml
    3. โˆš(65 + 16) = 9 cm
    4.Triangle + Star + Diamond = 100
    Triangle + Star = 67
    Star = 100 – 67 = 33
    33 – Diamond = 18
    Diamond = 33 – 18 = 15
    Triangle + 33 + 15 = Triangle + 48
    Triangle = 100 – 48 = 52

    Triangle = 52
    Star = 33
    Diamond = 15

  5. Hello!!
    I really enjoyed coming back to school, but it meant I couldn’t be the first to answer the math problem.

    Day 1:

    1. 576 books are fiction

    2. 1000 + 750 = 1750
    1750 / 5 = 350
    He pours 350 ml into each glass.

    Day 16:


    2. 32 + 35 = 67
    33 – 35 = -2 โœ–

    42 + 25 = 67
    33 – 25 = 8 โœ–

    52 + 15 = 67
    33 – 15 = 18 โœ”

    52 + 15 + 33 = 100

    • Help again Sarah – I’m pleased to see you here, even though you aren’t the first person out of the blocks for a change.
      Day 15, Q1 – have another look.
      Day 16, Q2 – I can see you have got it right, but it would be helpful to know which shape is which value.

      • Also, I wasn’t too sure how to do the say 16 Q1. At first I thought of finding the square root but then I thought that wouldn’t be correct because then it wouldn’t be of the shape with the cut out. After reading the others comments I thought: Maybe I thought of it wrong and it was meant to be the whole shape without the cut-out.

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