**Update** Maths problem of the day from White Rose

Here’s the third one for you.

Morning Sarah and Erika, I have seen your answers, but you need to check them as they are not all accurate and you need to use RUCSAC.  I won’t post your comments until later, because I want to give other people the opportunity to have a go so that I can maximise the house points I’m giving out…

16 thoughts on “**Update** Maths problem of the day from White Rose

  1. Hello!

    1. 1,950

    2a. 6.4 = 1 + 5.4
    2b. 3 2/5 = 1 + 12/5

    3. (14)2 + (4)2 = 36
    100 – 36 = 64
    64/4 = 16
    Each side is 16 cm

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