Our French concertina books

In French, the children have been making concertina books for their pen pals to finish off. We are all looking forward to reading the completed books! (If you click on either of the two links below, you should be able to hear some of Owls reading their concertina books.)

IMG_0530                    IMG_0529

21 thoughts on “Our French concertina books

    • Bonjour Adi!
      So 0530 is Sofia’s and 0529 in Marcos’. Aren’t they good?!
      I’ve been in touch with the French teachers at our partner school today to see if they can contact the children who are your penpals, so we can try & do some more blogging! Would you like that?
      Stay safe!
      Mme Sharkey

  1. These look really good!

    I wanted to note out that when you were in Yr.2 (Swallows), the footage of Owls (currently) was used in NEWSROUND! I am a little, maybe REALLY jealous 🙁

  2. i really enjoyed making these it was so fun the one i made came out better then i expected (i made a bumblebee) it was awesome… wow Sofia i think you did a panda but it looks awesome you are really artistic.

  3. Mine is the one on the right when it wasn’t finished

    PS: I am very wise
    PS2: I am getting on very well with the activities (I think)

  4. All of our concertina books look great I’m sure

    P.S I am trying to log onto linguascope but it said that the password and username is wrong please can you help me out 🙁

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