28 thoughts on “P4C

  1. I’ve got…
    . Is this happening to just this person or everyone?
    . Has someone else caused this?
    . Is this person too attached to there phone if so are they being punished for it?

    P.S Sorry I keep asking so many questions but for the reading for today, (Thursday) its got a different L.O to yesterday’s (Wednesday) reading lesson but on a computer it says that this is not found and on a iPad it brings you to yesterdays learning link and as I said they have different L.O’s. I’m not sure if anyone else is having similar issues.

    • I am having the same issue but I think that Mrs, Watson just put it there in case you had not finished because there were a lot of questions

  2. I have three
    1. How have we become more dependant on modern tech?
    2. How has modern tech made us more attached than before
    and my favourite…
    3. At what point will we become so over dependant on advanced tech that we won’t be able to function without it?

  3. Oh Erika, I really love your third question. I often contemplate that I myself am overly dependent on technology and have become scarily dependent on it. This is interesting since I am not a complete digital native and can remember a short time before the internet. How do you guys feel about technology? Would you like to live in a pre internet age?

    Mr Burns

  4. i have a few questions:
    1.Was this picture created to raise awareness of gadget addiction?
    2.What message does this image send?
    3. Are gadgets taking over our lives?

    for the Thursday online homework we had to write the first two parts of our non-chronological reports. But a few of us only got our plans for a different non-chronological report not the Viking one.
    Thank You

  5. I’ve got
    Is the world becoming too dependent on technology?
    Should we try to have more time off our phones or devices?
    P.S. A piece of advice: if you have a garden, use it!

  6. 1. why is tech so attaching to us?
    2.why is tech making people to communicate with their friends by texting instead of just meeting up in real life? (In 1900s there wasnt even technology so if someone wanted to say something to their friend they would have to meet up in real life not just text them)
    3.is tech damaging our brain?
    4.imagine the world without technology?
    5.how is technology ruining our lives?(p.s people are not even looking at where they are going on the streets and bump into other people and may not even look when they are crossing the road)
    6.does technology intensify the human communication?
    7.what would happen to humans if there was no technology?(would they go mad?)
    P.S. I was looking out of the window thinking of these questions and saw a man on his phone.(wow people really are on technology too much)

  7. I think:
    1. Is the man always looking at his phone?
    2. Is the phone alive?
    3. Is the phone trying to take the man somewhere?
    4. Is the man and the phone becoming one thing?
    5. Will we ever live without technology one day and on?
    6. Should we do the same as the olden days, when they didn’t have technology?
    7. How much does technology affect our lives?
    8. Will technology take over the future if we use it to much?
    9. Will social media affect our brains?
    10. Will changing technology be good or bad?
    11. If we change technology, will we find another way to communicate from long distances?
    12. Is technology positive or negative impact to us humans and why?

    P.S. number 6 is my favourite.

  8. why is the tone of colours like that?
    What are the vines coming from the phone down his hands?
    my other question has already been said 🙁

  9. 1. Will we be like this in the future?
    2. Is this a representation of how attached we are to our mobile devices?
    3. If we didn’t use our phones as much would life be easier or harder?
    4. (Linked to the third one) What advantages do we have because of technology?

    These are the questions I came up with!

  10. 1. In about 100 years will technology be in our bodies?

    2. Will we be dependant on technology in the future?

    3. One day will we live in technology?

    4. What would life be like if we had no technology?

    5. Do we need technology to live?

    P.S. Number 3. is my fav.

    • I like numbers 1 and 3 – I think they link quite nicely. I wonder whether or not we might have the option of having some technology inserted into our fingers so that we can talk to someone just by raising our index finger. What do you think?

        • I would agree – do you think that might be something which would be possible with new, yet to be invented, technology? If so, what do you think this technology might look like?

  11. Here are my questions:

    •Do you think this will get worse in the future, or do you think it will get better? Why?
    •What are the Pros and Cons of technology?
    •Do you think we need it?
    •How can we prevent this (the picture) from happening?

  12. Questions:

    1.Why is the phone wrapping around the mans hand?

    2. Why is the phone dragging the mans hand forwards?

    3. Why is the phone killing the mans hand?

    4. Is the phone controlling the mans mind?

    • Morning Saifallah, nice to hear from you. I particularly like your question about whether or not the phone is controlling the man’s mind – what do you think it might be making the man do?

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