13 thoughts on “P4C

  1. This is one of the my fair thingies, when I did 217 bouncing on the racket and my
    sister did 10 but she said that I won and I said”you have lost by 207″: but she said that no I win the match,I said “it is not fair”. She said that “I don’t know but I win it”.
    then we decied that we will ask from mom: we went near to the mom and she said that I have don 287 and brother has done 217 so who wins. Mom said Arohi wins
    because she has done more.But I said that she has done 10 not 287. She said
    that I have done 298 then I said that you were saying that you have done 287. Then mom said that Arohi is not telling troth. Then Arohi said sorry.

  2. To be honest, I’d rather be a winner, but not an unfair one. Also, if this just refers to the fact that I’m a winner but for example don’t share chocolate bars fairly (instead of what you’d normally think that the winner cheated to win) then in my opinion I’d rather be an unfair winner rather than a fair loser.
    If this referred to a competition where the winner cheated to be the best and the loser just tried their best: I’d rather be the loser. This is because I’d know I tried my best and that just one competition doesn’t normally decide my whole future. Also, just because others think you’re a loser that doesn’t mean that you truly are; in addition, you could just be labelled as a loser because you didn’t win 1st place but instead was awarded with 2nd or 3rd.

    Overall I’d rather be a winner who didn’t cheat or do anything shady.

  3. I would rather be a fair looser, (even though winning would be nice) because, if you cheat and win, then you basically haven’t won anything, and plus, it doesn’t feel as good as the feeling where you have actually won fairly.

  4. Honestly, I would rather be fair loser (even though I want to win). Because if I do it unfairly, it will be cheat myself and other person; I would feel very guilty.

  5. I would rather be a fair loser because like Mina said you wouldn’t have done any good for yourself cheating and if I won but I cheated I would fell like I didn’t deserve to win.

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