P4C – “Does she want to be seen or does she want to stay hidden, and if so, does the black help her not to attract attention?

Thank you to those of you who submitted your thought-provoking questions for our P4C discussion this week.

The winning question this week is posed Erika:

“Does she want to be seen or does she want to stay hidden and if so does the black help her not to attract attention?”

Please discuss in the comments.

17 thoughts on “P4C – “Does she want to be seen or does she want to stay hidden, and if so, does the black help her not to attract attention?

      • For the oak national accademy/ English not all of them but some of them didnt let me open the PDF it just came up with a blank PDF (sometimes it does sometimes it doesn’t) so it did open but just came up blank so i have missed a few lessons and i dont know what to do because they change the video every day and i dont know what i have missed and i could just copy and pate this https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/year-6/english#subjects but i cant remember something that is this long
        pls tell me what i can do

        • Hi Rayan

          I would struggle to remember something that long as well, so you are not alone. I would suggest that you copy and paste the link by doing the following:

          – highlight the link, using your mouse
          – push control and C together (this should copy the link that you have highlighted)
          – open your browser and push control and V together (this should paste the link so that you can search it)

          If, for some reason, this doesn’t work, you can always write the link down onto a piece of paper and then type it into your search bar. You won’t have to remember it, but you will have to make sure that you copy it carefully.

          You can do it Rayan!

  1. I think that if she does want to remain hidden then black would be a good choice of colour because black is usually thought of as the colour of darkness and(especially in the night) it is quite dark. Another reason is that a bright colour like yellow or pink or blue and so on, would have gathered a lot of attention unless everyone was wearing very bright clothing but that doesn’t seem to be the case.
    If she does’t want to stay hidden then she might’ve just been wearing black just like we wear black once in a while.

    P.S. Sorry about the length 🙂

    • oh and could you tell Madame charkey (sorry i dont know how to spell her name) that for her lessons they didnt work only todays did so i dont know what im meant to do as i missed the last few lessons last week

    • I agree with Erika, but I also thought that the background behind the person is in black and white so it made me think of camouflage because, she is also wearing black and white. So I think that she doesn’t want to be seen because she is wearing clothes that fit into her surroundings.


  2. I think that the person does want to stay hidden because of the location they’ve chosen – An empty alleyway – but also, the black suit doesn’t help because the rest of the street is bright and lit up. Also, they look a tad stressed because they’re looking down and they’re sort of sucking their cheeks in (Unless if they’ve been starved and are very thin).

  3. I think this is a very good question and this is my answer:
    I think she is trying to stay hidden because from the picture it looks like a place that she shouldn’t be, maybe that’s why this photo is taken at night time because its not as easy for people to spot her. I think the black and white that she is wearing doesn’t attract as much attention because she is kind of camouflaged in with the wall.

  4. Hi Mrs Watson, I have a question for something we have to do on Friday it says to finish a film review I have already done my film review the week before half term so do I have to do another one???

  5. I think like she wants to stay hidden in the dark because she is wearing black like a shadow so that is what I think!? 🙂

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