P4C – “Is saying no more powerful than saying yes?

Thank you to those of you who submitted some very thought-provoking questions for our P4C discussion this week.

The winning question this week is by Mia:

“Is saying no more powerful than saying yes?”

Please discuss in the comments.

6 thoughts on “P4C – “Is saying no more powerful than saying yes?

  1. I love this question.
    For me, I think that “Yes” is a much more powerful word. Sometime you have to say yes when you are not sure that you want to, and it can lead you to interesting and exciting places. I like the positivity of the word yes. However, I feel that you should not always say “Yes” just to please people.
    This is a great question Mia.
    I’m interested to hear what Owls think about this one!

    Mr Burns

    • Thank you for starting this discussion Mr. Burns. I think there’s an argument for saying that it depends on the situation: sometimes, it can be harder to say no when everyone else is saying yes.

  2. This is a great P4C question Year 6! I can’t wait to see your comments.

    It’s a tough one to debate, but it did draw my thoughts to all the important times in history when people have said a very important ‘no’.

    Rosa Parks said ‘no’ to giving up her seat on a bus and changed history for black people in America and around the world.

    Florence Nightingale didn’t let ‘no’ stop her and we are still using her recommendations nowadays to help fight Coronavirus, such was her impact on hospital care.

    So, a ‘yes’ can get things done, but I think a ‘no’ can hold even more power.

  3. I think no is more powerful than saying yes because sometimes no can be overpowering because you maybe thinking no but you might want to say yes. Ps sorry if this doesn’t make sense I just didn’t really know how to say it

  4. In my opinion, they’re both powerful in their own way, but the at same level.

    For example, if you say no you could stop yourself from doing something stupid or life-threatening. Also, you could be saying no to a good opportunity and never be able to do it again. In addition, you could be lying to yourself saying “No, I don’t wanna do/be this,” but deep down you know you really want to.

    Yes is powerful because it could lead to exiting or dangerous moments. You could also be saying yes just to be ‘cool’. Like No, you could be lying to yourself or be saying yes to an opportunity to do/be something, but if you say yes to an opportunity, in most cases, you can go back, when saying no, in most cases, you can’t.

    Because of these reasons I can’t decide which one is more powerful.

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