6 thoughts on “PSHE

  1. I don’t think so because even though it has had some major ups to the black people of the world, it has also had probably even more downs because people have been more reckless and have done things they wouldn’t have dreamed of doing before. Also, a problem as large as racism can’t be controlled in a day because we still need to teach people not to be racist and we can’t teach people to do that by setting fire to buildings and robbing shops because that will have a bad influence on next generations.

  2. I kinda agree with Erika but i kinda don’t agree with the first few sentences as we are getting much attention from people from the higher ranks and there are also loads of famous people joining the protests such as Ariana Grande,J Cole,Lil Yachty and many more i agree with the last bit as people are destroying and looting places is just awful it started with peaceful protests but is just has turned very violent which could lead many people hurt.

  3. YEP! I also agree with them both as people just began protesting in large groups all over the world and now it has gotten out of control and people are putting buildings on fire and actually forget that it is not good for our planet and robbing places people think that now is a good time to be robbing as the protests are going on they think that the police have enough to be handling the racism and do not have time to arrest people from robbing they also find that it would be much better to rob somewhere that an actual protest is going on behind them and also following on from Erika the this will all have a bad influence on the next generations yet to come as unless we put a stop to racism then we can all forget about this and it can all stay in the past.
    p.s i am really proud of this.

  4. I think so because now the US experienced the African American protested and it could do many people damaged and hurt, so US people won’t discriminate them and police officers will be careful when they arrest African American.

  5. I agree with what Ziyad said at the end about people possibly getting hurt. So I think that protesting does work but the peaceful protests are much better because then people are less likely to get hurt. Whereas violent protests could lead to innocent people getting hurt.

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