Spanish extravaganza…

Yet another successful Spanish lesson today!

We recapped our colours from last week, and we all know that Saif’s favourite colour is amarillo…

Sarah, our resident mini-maestra had written an original story…

Oliver kindly dramatised it for us…

We looked at numbers…

And animals…

And watched another amusing video

Here is the link:

(And this is the link for last week’s super popular toilet song

And if that wasn’t enough, we also played bingo – congratulations to Emma and Sofia…

Can’t wait for Thursday’s lesson 🙂

9 thoughts on “Spanish extravaganza…

  1. Estupendo, Owls A, y muchas gracias, Sarah. We all loved your story! And your picture of the animals is fenomenal, as are your teaching skills…..
    Thank you, Mrs Watson, for putting up the fun photos.
    ¡Hasta luego!

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