Studying the impact of tourism

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Year 6 have been learning about the impact of tourism in our Geography lessons.  We have learned that tourism can have both a positive and negative impact of a geographical environment.  These impacts can be sub-divided into economic impact, social impact and environmental impact.  We creatively demonstrated our understanding of this by linking it to our work on mountainous regions in the UK and Europe.

Our vibrant information posters can currently be seen in some of the pop-up displays in Pelham’s stairwells – click on the link below to view Owls’ posters.  We hope you enjoy!


4 thoughts on “Studying the impact of tourism

  1. Hello, Miss Wanna Do It My Way speaking here,
    I really had fun doing the posters and also learning about how tourism affects the world/ country.

    I thought other people would do it landscape too! Why was I the only one?! I mean, what’s wrong with doing it landscape?

    • Nothing!!

      You do what you gotta do (and for you that is doing a poster landscape it’s the others that are missing out 😉

  2. This is interesting, Owls. I saw an interesting news piece about the impact of tourism in the city of Venice. It’s quite astounding the number of people that visit the place in one day and the impact it is having. I think they are trying to limit the number of cruise ships that visit each day.

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