The Boy at the Back of the Class

The Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjall Q. Rauf is our class reader this term.  What are your thoughts on this book?  What do you like about it and why?  Please articulate your ideas in the comments, making sure you are specific.

41 thoughts on “The Boy at the Back of the Class

  1. I didn’t enjoy the book at first but when it got further into the book it was really good. Also, the book is about a refugee boy who came from Syria and he came to England and he has made friends at a school but there is a bully called Brendan and he is trying to make Ahmet’s (who is the refugee) life harder. He tells his story and tells tom the main character a secret and tells him not to tell anyone else but tom has to….

  2. I really like this book!
    It’s very interesting and I would recommend it to anyone who likes adventure books!
    My favourite part of the book so far is when The Refugee Kid tells the class about his family and how he got to England and what his trip was like!

      • BLURB: Thirteen-year-old Safiya and her family have been driven out of Syria by civil war. Safiya knows how lucky she is – luck to be living near her family and not in a refugee camp, lucky to be alive. But it’s hard to feel grateful when her house is a tent and she has to look after her father and brother, rather than go back to school. As they struggle to rebuild their lives, Safiya realises that her family has been incomplete and with her own future in the balance, it’s time to uncover the secrets that war has kept buried.

  3. I am thoroughly enjoying reading this story once a week to Owls! In fact, each week I look forward to being updated on the storyline and am impressed by how well the class remember the details and the plot! This book tackles relevant and sensitive issues brilliantly. Good choice, Mrs Watson!

  4. I loved at the back of the class even though I was out doing a group I was still so interested because he was being kind in the book and I think the message to this book is to always be kind to people that need help. FOR EXAMPLE: If you see someone on the streets like I did I gave my sandwich to the lonely person that I was suppose to eat but I was still kind to him. In the book the main character was a new boy who was a refugee and a boy helped to go to tell the queen so he finally found his parents.

    • I agree with you Aurora, one of the messages in this book is about being kind to people, especially those who need help and might be vulnerable.

      In the story, Ahmet was able to find his family again after the narrator – who we discovered was a girl towards the end of the story – and her friends delivered a message to the Queen.

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