The lonely road

resource image

Using the image above, write a story about the old lady on the lonely road. Where has she come from? Where is she heading? What problems could she have encountered along the way? Remember, try to impress me by selecting your choice of vocabulary and literary devices with care.

43 thoughts on “The lonely road

  1. The old lady was dreading her reflection so much she wanted to cross the puddle the puddle but she could not do anything alone so she needed help but from who because there was no body in the forest to help her…

  2. Mia and Ziyad came up with a descriptive piece of writing,

    An old, secretive granny was ambling down the muddy path.Carefully, she stopped in tracks to hear something mysterious lurking in the bush. Cautiously, she carried on walking with her strange-shaped walking stick trying to avoid the puddles. Unfortunatly, she wasn’t looking,
    she fell in, she suddenly got sucked into a whirlpool……..

  3. Me and Elodie {Emodie} came up with this:
    As the old Mrs. Widow’s reflection appeared in the puddle she suddenly sensed something or someone behind her. Her chipped, dirty stick that she treated like a staff, squelched in the mud.Slowly leaves behind her started to sway as if being pushed by the wind and fell to the ground.

  4. Walking along the mud filled path, Mrs Smith was heading to the shop. Even though it was very far away, she kept on going. Her legs were soon getting tired so Mrs Smith decided to stop for a while. (I got inspired by Emma and Elodie for the next part) Nearby, some leaves rustled and the trees shook, the old lady sensed something was wrong; what was it?

    Carefully, she stood up and grabbed her walking stick, her beady eyes scanned the area. Stepping over a grubby pond, she kept on going, though she made sure that her eyes were sharp but her mind was sharper.

  5. She was full of desperation. Limping down the worn-out, deserted pathway, the aged elderly was lost and had completely forgotten about her dreaded fate…

    It was that very morning that a black cat crossed her street. It was an omen. Was this a good sign or a bad sign? She didn’t know. Discretely, the lonely widow decided to follow the omen to discover what this all meant.
    Half-way through her journey in the dark murky woodlands, she noticed a slightly dimmed oil lamp lying on it’s side. Carefully, as she slowly bent down to lift it, her eyes were drawn to a blurry reflection of herself in a brown puddle beneath her feet.It reminded her of her younger self. Her eyes widened, as she was not frightened or puzzled anymore, she was overjoyed.

  6. The old woman struggled to walk across the lonely muddy path. This was no ordinary woman “HE” was in a disguise to enter the village to survive from the cannibal tribe the the dreadful forest. No person enters and leaves alive.
    Now kids that is the story for today try not to get too scared it’s only a story.Or is it?!?!

  7. The old woman struggled to walk across the lonely muddy path. This was no ordinary woman “HE” was in a disguise to enter the village to survive from the cannibal tribe in the dreadful forest. No person enters and leaves alive.
    Now kids that is the story for today try not to get too scared it’s only a story.Or is it?!?!

  8. It was a long way back and poor old Mrs Smith couldn’t take it anymore. The deserted path in the lonely forest was cold and had loads of muddy puddles from the rainstorm earlier. Not only was she soaked, but she was hungry and tired as well but there was nothing she could do about it. Slowly, she made her way around the puddles but suddenly stopped at the edge of one. Something strange was in it. Something shiny, gleaming in the sunset. Mrs Smith crouched down even though her back wasn’t as flexible as in the olden days and couldn’t believe what she had found…

    • PART TWO:

      Quickly, she hid the priceless diamond in her pocket so no one could see. (Not like anyone COULD see as there was no one there but just in case) Making her way along the path covered in Autumn leaves, she wondered how that had got there but didn’t have a clue. Just as she spotted the tiny little cottage that she lived in, she saw that it was covered in poison ivy. Shocked, she thought that she might faint. How was she supposed to get into her house now? Just as she was thinking, the precious diamond fell out of her pocket. Suddenly, the ivy disappeared and her cottage was looking as good as new again. Not knowing what had caused that to happen, dear old Mrs Smith gently picked up the gleaming diamond but to her surprise, her house was covered in ivy once again. What was happening?! Was she cursed? She didn’t remember coming across a bad omen earlier on that day. “But… Wait a minute” she thought. Nothing bad had happened to her that day until she found the diamond. Realising what had caused her all the trouble, she took out the diamond and looked really close into it. If you looked really close into it, you could see a black, cloudy mist hovering like a demon in it. All of a sudden, she had genius idea and went off to find the biggest and the heaviest rock she could find and smashed the diamond with it. As she had been expecting, the evil spirit floated away into the now dark sky and was no longer visible. ” Go to a place where you could be punished!” she cried after it, and grinned, proud of herself.”At last, home sweet home.” she murmured to herself and silently closed the door behind her.

      🙂 thanks for spearing your time and reading Part 2 of: The Dark Gleaming Spirit.

    • I don’t know I this would make sense but instead of saying ‘had loads of muddy puddles’ you could say ‘was overflowing with muddy puddles’

  9. Just as the sun was rising, and day was dawning, Mrs. Meleviliza was hobbling through the woods on her way to Dorothy’s little cottage, where she lived with her mother and father.

    After a few minutes of walking down the muddy and twiggy path, she reached a puddle, her greatest fear! She had never told anyone why she detested puddles – probably because she didn’t want to loose her title “THE QUEEN OF EVIL” – anyway, she just didn’t!

    Never mind, she had a way around it. With one hit on the ground with her evil wisdom stick a golden buzz flew up into the sky and it burst! Three seconds later, the puddle was gone. Now she had gotten-rid of the puddle, she could finish plotting the end of her malevolently evil plan to kill Dorothy and her family and take all the money they ever had! But, little did she know Dorothy was onto her, and was aware of everything that was going to happen, and everything Mrs. Meleviliza was plotting…

    Let me know if you want me to carry on writing my story.

    • Hello Payam. All the comments for this post relate to the picture rather than a specific book. Maybe you would like to have a go writing something, you’re more than welcome to…

  10. She reached something mysterious, something she had never seen. she could not dare to touch that dirty brown puddle… she thought ‘That is a puddle?’ No way, throughout the history of the wizards; these disgusting creatures lived in those ponds, Known as… Bibblybobs. The majestic creatures with rainbow shooting hair and red velvet eyes, and a long rusty old nose shot up across the sky and landed on a soft bit of moss.

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