Times Table Rock Stars Stats

I’ve just been looking at the overall leaderboard on Times Table Rock Stars, and it would seem that I have the fastest ‘studio speed’ of anyone in Year 6. I’m looking forward to a little healthy competition with you…

18 thoughts on “Times Table Rock Stars Stats

  1. heh…

    I don’t really know if I like that very much…
    Though I suppose it would be fun… Right?!

    By the way, what is your speed anyway…

  2. HMmMmMmmMm :T

    Mrs Watson… Mina and I suspect that YOU’RE Flora Coasters on TTR
    But Sofia said that SHE was Flora Coasters,

    Our evidence about you being Flora Coasters is that the are 26 people on the band tab but in our class, there are only 25 pupils!! So you must be someone in the band…

    WhO aRe YoU?!?!!?!?!??! >:C

    I neED tO KnOw

    Ok that’s all I wanted to say


  3. Mrs Watson,
    I WILL beat you
    Maybe not today
    But I WILL beat you

    So you better get ready

    ‘Cause I WILL beat you (Someday)

  4. At first, my calculating speed was 2.11 s/q, I have done ttrockstars everyday. So now my speed is 0.94 s/q.
    I want to be faster than now. But it’s not easy to me…. How can I do for it?

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