Website recommendations

If you have a website suggestion that you would like to share, please put it in the comments box for all to see, thanks.

To kick us off, here is a previous comment from Sarah

Hello, I found a cool website/minigame to improve drawing:

14 thoughts on “Website recommendations

    • Thanks Rayan – I’m pleased to know that you are enjoying some of the extra activities included on our Year 6 home-learning page πŸ˜‰

      • I really enjoyed looking at them and playing them or reading them or learing things i didnt know (mainly about ten ways to see the world)
        πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  1. Hello!
    Today, my dad’s showed me this website called
    It’s basically an online library with many many books! And It has Skellig so it would’ve been good for when the Skellig website we used didn’t work

  2. Hey it’s me! πŸ˜€
    I hope everyone is good! πŸ™‚

    On the last box of the timetable that we have, you can go on to Wonderopolis, where – at the top right corner – there is a button called Wonders With Charlie, where you can watch lots of fun, interesting and funny videos about lots of things (mostly science).

  3. This isn’t really a website but on YouTube there’s this channel called insider and they have a sort of series which talks about how things are made and it’s really interesting!

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