Well hello there ‘Herb’

We have a new hamster, who has temporarily been named ‘Herb’ (short for Herbert) and is named after a character in one of Lauren Child’s books. Having agreed this week that you all want to exercise your pupil voice and be directly involved in choosing Herb’s permanent name, I would like you to suggest names in the comments below. Everyone in my class (sorry Ospreys) can choose one name to put forward, so make sure that you are certain about your choice before you post a comment. We will vote to choose Herb’s name next week – all suggestions must therefore be posted in the comments by 5pm this coming Sunday. I look forward to seeing your suggestions

26 thoughts on “Well hello there ‘Herb’

    • I want the name to be


      Mumbo Jumbo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      (as well)

      PS: This was a total copy and paste from Marcel

    • I disagree as the last hamster was called Flash so this on should have a different name. Even if it has a ‘II’ next to it.

      You can disagree if you want. Just my opinion.

  1. If we don’t like the name that gets chosen can we (at home) call him whatever we want?

    Well actually, no.

    That’s like saying “I don’t like the name Mina so I will call you Minnie.”

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