
Why is an understanding of chronology so important for us as historians?

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5 Responses to History

  1. Mia says:

    chronology means putting the dates in history in an order normally what happens first but if we didn’t know what order everything was in it will make it harder to understand things like to learn about world war two you need two know some stuff about world war one.Also if there were so many rats in the trenches of both wars why didn’t the people get the plague.

  2. Misha Khoteev says:

    The exact order in which events occur helps us understand the cause and the effect of those events which is why chronology is important because that is exactly what it does and thereby allow us to step back and view the history of events- how and why they unfold in the way they do and how they are related.

  3. Aika says:

    You need to know the order of the events or else you won’t know the impact one era might do to another era after.

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