What thought-provoking philosophical questions can you ask by looking at the above image? Think metaphorically please.

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25 Responses to P4C

  1. Aika says:

    Is the image representing people who are always on electronics as if they were in a cage?

  2. Lewis says:

    I see someone being at their phone/computer and not going to bed, like being stuck in a cage and not looking away, like being hypnotised.

    Do you need online?
    Can you live without the internet?

  3. Iasna says:

    What gives technology the power to seperate us from the whole world?
    Can love to technology overpower our other feelings?

  4. Claribel says:

    Is technology taking over your brain?

  5. Kai says:

    The internet absorbs us an sometimes it means that we block out everything around us.

  6. Kai says:

    Is he a example of how absorbed we can get?
    Is the best part of watching a movie, playing games getting absorbed?

  7. Jude says:

    Is being online like being in a cage: it is easy get in a cage but much harder to get out?

  8. livi says:

    I think this image represents how if someone could take anything to live with in a cage for a day they would decide to take a computer/phone/TV with them instead of food or something essential.

  9. Misha Khoteev says:

    Who is responsible for us not being able to live without gadgets, us or the technology?

  10. Anonymous says:

    We think that this image is trying to tell us that if you are on electronics for too long then
    you will get stuck in the electrics cage. Do you need electronics in life? If you get into the cage will you be able to get out?

  11. Florence✨ says:

    I think if you go on a device for too long it’s almost like you can’t get off of it and it’s also like you are trapped/stuck to it.

  12. Mia & Kai says:

    Is it easy to leave once your stuck in an electronic world?

  13. iasna says:

    Could technology become something that we cannot resist ?
    Do people that don’t have access to technology live better tan people who have access ?

  14. Anonymous says:

    I think that it means technoligy is like being inside a cage.

  15. Stanley says:

    That was Stanley comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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