True or False: maths edition

Explain with some high quality Year 6 reasoning please. Best answer wins 2 house points! 🙂

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5 Responses to True or False: maths edition

  1. Misha Khoteev says:

    I think it is false because if the number is 929 for example and we add a hundred, we have to carry a one to the thousands column because 900+100 equals 1000 but we can not have a ten in the hundreds column so the thousands column has to change because we are carrying a one as I said earlier.

  2. Iasna says:

    False. I checked this by doing 999+
    999 is the biggest number which is smaller than 1000, so you cannot get a higher answer.
    Here the thousends change because you have to carry the one.

  3. Iasna says:

    However, you do not always have to carry a number. This only happens when the numbers you are adding in the column add up to more than 9.
    Here is an example where you do not need to carry anything:
    Here is an example where you do need to carry a number:

  4. Livi and Ben says:

    False, because 900+100=1000 which changed the thousands digits to a 1, which is a four digit number

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