Book Review

Write a book review for Floodland.

Did you enjoy reading it? Why? Can you summarise the plot/characters? Did your perception of the characters change as you progressed through the novel? Did you enjoy the settings/themes? Did you feel that it was age appropriate for Year 6? Did you like the author’s use of language? Was there anything challenging about this text? Did you like the ending? (NO SPOILERS!)

Would you recommend it?

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5 Responses to Book Review

  1. Adam says:

    I really enjoyed reading Floodland because the story holds a lot of twists; one of which is that Dooby, who’s the leader on Eels island can’t swim. Personally, my favourite character is Munchkin because throughout the book his character changes massively. In the first half of the book he is quite secretive and quiet near Zoe, who is the main character, but in the other half he shows a bit of love towards her. I like how it is set in a distopian future but the sea levels are actually rising everywhere. I think Marcus Sedgwick has written this book as a warning of what might happen if we continue like this. I also enjoyed how Marcus set out the book in the past, present and after. The ending was very suspenseful because only in the last paragraph Zoe and Munchkin found what the wanted.

    Norwich is being swallowed up by water and Zoe, who is looking for her parents , escapes the dangers on her boat called Lyca. She manages to find Eels island but little did she realise there were dangers here too. The island, which is inhabited by a young boy called Dooby, is a treacherous place. The sea levels are rising rapidly and the island is decreasing to a speck of mud. After stories and battles and death, will Zoe crawl out alive to find her missing parents or will she even survive?

  2. Sophia says:

    I really enjoyed reading Floodland because it was really interesting to see that it can go from being quite sad and for there to also be some happy moments in the story.The character’s personalities are very different for example; Zoe is adventurous and never actually stoped trying to get her boat.And dooby which we thought at first he was crawl but then his out come changed through out the story.I really enjoyed the novel but I thought it was a bit slow moving because some of the things the characters were trying to do only happened at the end.The challenging thing in the story was that some of the paragraphs were a bit hard to tell if it was a flashback or not.Finally,I think this year six appropriate and I would definitely recommend this story .

  3. TAHA says:

    I enjoyed the book as it was adventurous. Zoe, the main character, was stranded on the little island of Norwich trying to find her parents. she had many difficulties but she overcame her difficulties and found what she wanted. It was a nerve-shredding story with a happy end.

    The uncertainty of the story made me feel very intrigued about the end of the book!

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