Gender Stereotypes

What do we know about gender stereotyping? Can you give some varied examples?

How can we combat gender stereotyping?


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24 Responses to Gender Stereotypes

  1. W says:

    Girls are only allowed to like pink and boys are only allowed to like blue.

  2. Sasha says:

    Well i know that we have to types of gender and that is: women and men. Lot’s of people think that boys are meant to like the colour blue and girls are meant like the colour pink.

  3. Sophia says:

    I’ve got an example;
    If people do a gender reveal normally if its a girl its going to be pink and if its a boy its going to be blue.

  4. W says:

    I don’t like it when people say your supposed to be with blue.

  5. Sasha says:

    Well I know that we have to types of gender and that is: women and men. Lot’s of people think that boys are meant to like the colour blue and girls are meant like the colour pink. Also, people think that men are meant to have short hair and women are meant to have long hair

  6. Sasha says:

    Sorry, I thnk I posted to soon

  7. Amy says:

    I think that believe in stereotypes are not thinking enough. My sister has really short hair like ‘boy’ hair, as people call it, and she is not a boy. Or only girls wear make up and jewellery. Maybe if these were never stereotypes, boys and girls wouldn’t be worried to let people know they like the same colour and sports.

  8. Catherine says:

    STEREOTYPES ARE MY LEAST FAVOURITE THING IN THE WHOLE WORLD. I hate it when people just assume things about people because of their gender. I have encountered gender stereotypes before and it really made me think hard about them and I realised how wrong they are. In year 1 someone told me that girls couldn’t play football. In year4 someone told me I was wearing boys clothes. In year5 someone asked me why I was such a tomboy. Last week my brother asked why I wasn’t like other girls.

    I love playing football, I can wear what I like, tomboys are fine and I am awesome as I am. Sorry I just had a huge rant but I really wanted to say this.

    • Catherine says:

      We can fight gender stereotypes by challenging anyone that uses them.

    • Mr Woolton says:

      It was great to hear this being read out in assembly this morning. You make the point both firmly and clearly. And not only are you awesome, but you are spokesperson on equality. Never stop being the you that you want to be.

  9. Eleni says:

    I hate gender stereotypes, I think everyone should be able to wear, look like and be whatever they want.

  10. Catherine says:

    Also, my dad told me that in the workplace women were being paid less than men.

  11. Eleni says:

    My dad said that STILL now women get paid less.

  12. Catherine says:


  13. Adi says:

    A gender stereotype is a common belief amongst many people that means one gender is very likely to have a specific trait(s). Almost all of these are false and incorrectly claims something.

    There are many different gender stereotypes such as:
    Males like blue and females like pink;
    Males are stronger than females;
    Males like sports and females like dolls;
    Females are kinder than males and many many more…

  14. Ethan says:

    Gender stereotypes is when someone thinks football is a boy sport and netball is a girl sport which I don’t think is true because my cousin plays netball and at my basketball club there are loads of girls there who ever said that is wrong.

  15. Eleni says:

    Adi when you said girls are stronger then boys, boys do have more muscles but doesn’t necessarily mean that boys are stronger then girls.

  16. ANSAAR says:


  17. Sule says:

    I don’t like gender stereotypes.

  18. W says:

    I hate gender stereotypes so much.

  19. Ethan says:

    In this TV show I’m watching full house it’s saying girls can’t build cars and boys can’t do ballet But I don’t think that’s true

  20. Ethan says:

    I wish we were all the same I the girls were the same than the boys and the boys the same than the girls And if it wasn’t for the girls we wouldn’t be alive and if I wasn’t for boys we would it not be alive either so we both are equal I think that

  21. Iasna says:

    I would just like to say, we can all wear what we want, no matter who we are- girl or boy.
    It is fine for girls to wear jumpers, and boys to wear cardigans! I have been judged by what I am wearing, and it is wrong!

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